pyroute2 modules

The library provides several modules, that operates on different layers.


Old-style library, that provides access to rtnetlink as is. It helps you to retrieve and change almost all the data, available through rtnetlink:

from pyroute2 import IPRoute
ipr = IPRoute()
    # lookup interface by name
dev = ipr.link_lookup(ifname='tap0')[0]
    # bring it down'set', dev, state='down')
    # change interface MAC address and rename it'set', dev, address='00:11:22:33:44:55', ifname='vpn')
    # add primary IP address
ipr.addr('add', dev, address='', mask=24)
    # add secondary IP address
ipr.addr('add', dev, address='', mask=24)
    # bring it up'set', dev, state='up')


Experimental module, that provides high-level API to network configuration. It represents network objects as a transactional database with commit/rollback. It is far not production ready, so be prepared for surprises and API changes.:

from pyroute2 import IPDB
ip = IPDB(mode='direct')
ifdb = ip.interfaces
ifdb.tap0.address = '00:11:22:33:44:55'
ifdb.tap0.ifname = 'vpn'
ifdb.vpn.add_ip('', 24)
ifdb.vpn.add_ip('', 24)

IPDB has several operating modes:

  • ‘direct’ – any change goes immediately to the OS level
  • ‘implicit’ (default) – the first change starts an implicit transaction, that have to be committed
  • ‘explicit’ – you have to begin() a transaction prior to make any change
  • ‘snapshot’ – no changes will go to the OS in any case

The default is to use implicit transaction. This behaviour can be changed in the future, so use ‘mode’ argument when creating IPDB instances. The sample session with explicit transactions:

In [1]: from pyroute2 import IPDB
In [2]: ip = IPDB(mode='explicit')
In [3]: ifdb = ip.interfaces
In [4]: ifdb.tap0.begin()
    Out[3]: UUID('7a637a44-8935-4395-b5e7-0ce40d31d937')
In [5]: ifdb.tap0.up()
In [6]: ifdb.tap0.address = '00:11:22:33:44:55'
In [7]: ifdb.tap0.add_ip('', 24)
In [8]: ifdb.tap0.add_ip('', 24)
In [9]:
    {'+ipaddr': set([('', 24), ('', 24)]),
     '-ipaddr': set([]),
     'address': '00:11:22:33:44:55',
     'flags': 4099}
In [10]: ifdb.tap0.commit()

Note, that you can review() the last() transaction, and commit() or drop() it. Also, multiple self._transactions are supported, use uuid returned by begin() to identify them.

Actually, the form like ‘ip.tap0.address’ is an eye-candy. The IPDB objects are dictionaries, so you can write the code above as that:

ip.interfaces['tap0']['address'] = '00:11:22:33:44:55'

Also, interface objects in transactional mode can operate as context managers:

with ip.interfaces.tap0 as i:
    i.address = '00:11:22:33:44:55'
    i.ifname = 'vpn'
    i.add_ip('', 24)
    i.add_ip('', 24)

On exit, the context manager will authomatically commit() the transaction.

IPDB can also create interfaces:

with ip.create(kind='bridge', ifname='control') as i:
    i.add_ip('')  # the same as i.add_ip('', 24)

Right now IPDB supports creation of dummy, bond, bridge and vlan interfaces. VLAN creation requires also link and vlan_id parameters, see example scripts.


All that you should know about TaskStats, is that you should not use it. But if you have to, ok:

import os
from pyroute2 import TaskStats
ts = TaskStats()

It is not implemented normally yet, but some methods are already usable.

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